Certificate Program in Microsoft Office For Employees

This training program enables the participants to demonstrate their abilities with Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Email, Internal and Applications. The Certificate Program in Microsoft Office helps you develop technical job ready skills and get exposed to real world experiences through expert instruction and hand on lab exercises. Microsoft Office skills are highly-regarded by employers when searching for suitable candidates. Once employed, students who follow this program can spend less time learning and more time performing important tasks.

Course Duration : 40 Hrs
Date & Time : Sunday from 8.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Couse Fee :
Course Contents
  1. Operatiing System (Windows 10)
  2. Word Processing (MS Word)
  3. Spreadsheet (MS Excel)
  4. Prsentation (MS Excel)
  5. DataBase Management System (MS Access)
  6. Internet & Email

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Students who completed the course successfully are awarded valuble govt cerified certificate.

  • Certificate in Office Applications - Course Outline & Modules

  • Operating System (Windows 10)
      Module 1
    1. Introducation to OS
    2. Logging On to Windows 7
    3. Exploring the Desktop
    4. Using the Start Menu
    5. Using the Windows Taskbar
    6. Exploring Control Panel
      • Control Panel Categories
        Accessing Individual Control Panel Items
    7. Finding Information About Your Computer System
    8. Ending a Computing Session
  • Module - 2 (Manage User Accounts )
    1. Understanding User Accounts and Permissions
      • User Accounts Types
        User Account Control
    2. Managing a User Account
    3. Limiting Computer Access
    4. Disabling or Deleting a User Account
  • Module - 3 (Navigate Windows and Folders )
    1. Working with Windows
      • Sizing, Moving, and Arranging Windows
        Hiding and Displaying Windows
    2. Understanding Files, Folders, and Libraries
      • File Types
        Windows System Folders
        Folder Windows Features
    3. Finding Your Way Around Your Computer
    4. Finding Specific Information
      • Windows Search
  • Module - 4 (Manage Folders and Files )
    1. Viewing Folders and Files in Different Ways
      • Grouping Folder Content
        Changing Folder Options
    2. Working with Folder and File Properties
      • File Properties
        Folder Properties
    3. Creating and Renaming Folders and Files
    4. Moving and Copying Folders and Files
      • Compressing Folders and Files
        Deleting and Recovering Folders and Files
        Recycle Bin Size
    5. Creating Shortcuts
      • Desktop Shortcuts
        Start Menu Pinned Items
        Taskbar Pinned Items
  • Word Processing (Microsoft Word)
      Module - 1
    1. Working in the user interface
    2. Creating, editing text and saving documents
      • Creating a new blank document
        Entering text
        Saving the document
        Saving into a new folder
    3. Opening, Moving around in and closing Documents
    4. Viewing documents in different ways
    5. Accessing help feature
  • Editing and Proofread Text
      Module -2
    1. Making text changes
      • Selecting text
        Deleting text
        Drag and drop
    2. Cut, Copy and Paste
    3. Paste Options
    4. Undo and redo
    5. Office clipboard
    6. Find and replace text
      • Using find and replace
    7. Fine-tuning text
      • Thesaurus
    8. Correcting spelling and grammatical errors
      • Spell check
        Auto Correct
  • Editing and Proofread Text
      Module -3
    1. Making text changes
      • Selecting text
        Deleting text
        Drag and drop
    2. Cut, Copy and Paste
    3. Paste Options
    4. Undo and redo
    5. Office clipboard
    6. Find and replace text
      • Using find and replace
    7. Fine-tuning text
      • Thesaurus
    8. Correcting spelling and grammatical errors
      • Spell check
        Auto Correct
  • Changing the Look of Text
      Module -4
    1. Quickly formatting text
      • Paragraph styles
    2. Manually changing the look of characters
      • Changing font, font size and font colour
        Bold, Italic and Underline
        Format Painter
        Font dialog box
        Highlight text
        Clear Formatting
    3. Manually changing the look of paragraphs
      • Indenting
        First Line and hanging indents
        Paragraph alignment
        Setting up Tabs
        Adjusting line spacing
        Paragraph spacing
        Borders and Shading
    4. Character formatting and case considerations
    5. Find and replace formatting
    6. Creating and modifying lists
      • Bullets and Numbering
        Customizing bullets and numbering
  • Organizing Information in Columns and Tables
      Module -5
    1. Presenting information in columns
      • Inserting columns
        Justify paragraphs
        Column options
    2. Presenting info in tables
      • Inserting a table
        Inserting and deleting columns and rows
        Resizing columns
        Merge cells
        Table alignment
        Converting text to table
    3. Performing calculations in tables
    4. Formatting Table
  • Add Simple Graphic Elements
      Module -6
    1. Inserting and modifying pictures
      • Inser Pictures
        Resize and crop a picture
        Picture corrections and picture styles
        Artistic effects
    2. Changing a document background
    3. Inserting Building Blocks
      • Inserting a Cover page
        Inserting Page Numbers
        Headers and Footers
    4. Drawing text boxes
    5. Adding Word Art
      • Insert WordArt to the documents
        Wrap text around Word Art
  • Insert and Modify Charts
      Module -7
    1. Insert a chart into a document
    2. Customize a chart, and save it as template
    3. Changing a document background
    4. Plot Excel data in a chart
    5. Formatting a chart
    6. Changing chart types
    7. Adding axis titles and labels
  • Explore More Text Techniques
      Module -8
    1. Adding hyperlinks
    2. Inserting fields
    3. Adding Footnotes and End notes
    4. Password-Protecting Documents
  • Work with Mail Merge
      Module -9
    1. Understanding Mail Merge
    2. Preparing Data Sources
    3. Using an Database Contact List as a Data Source
    4. Preparing Main Documents
    5. Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
    6. Printing Envelopes
    7. Sending Personalized Emails to Multiple Recipients
    8. Creating and Printing Labels
  • Work with Mail Merge
      Module -9
    1. Understanding Mail Merge
    2. Preparing Data Sources
    3. Using an Database Contact List as a Data Source
    4. Preparing Main Documents
    5. Merging Main Documents and Data Sources
    6. Printing Envelopes
    7. Sending Personalized Emails to Multiple Recipients
    8. Creating and Printing Labels
  • Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel)
      Module - 1 Setting up a workbook
    1. Creating Workbooks
      • Excel Terminology
        Excel Environment
        Customizing Quick Access Toolbar
        Creating a New Workbook
        Entering Data into Workbook
        Entering Data into Workbook
        Open a workbook
        Insert a new worksheet
        Renaming a new worksheet
        Changing the tab colour of worksheet
        Rearranging the order of worksheets
        Rearranging the order of worksheets
        Hide/Unhide Worksheet
    2. Modifying Workbooks and Worksheets
      • Changing column widths and row heights
        Insert Columns/Rows
        Delete Columns/ Rows
        Hide/Unhide columns or rows
        Hide/Unhide columns or rows
        Moving Data by dragging
  • Module - 2 - Formatting excel work book:
    1. New, Open, Close, Save, Save As
    2. Formatting Text: Font Size, Font Style
    3. Font Color, Use the Bold, Italic, and Underline
    4. Wrap text, Merge and Centre
    5. Currency, Accounting and other formats
    6. Modifying Columns, Rows & Cells
  • Module - 3 Perform Calculations with Functions
    1. Creating Simple Formulas
    2. Setting up your own formula
    3. Date and Time Functions, Financial Functions
    4. Logical Functions, Lookup and Reference
    5. Functions Mathematical Functions
    6. Statistical Functions, Text Functions.
    7. Absolute & Relative Reference
  • Module - 4 Sort and Filter Data with Excel
    1. Sort and filtering data
    2. Using number filter, Text filter
    3. Custom filtering
    4. Removing filters from columns
    5. Conditional formatting
    6. Advanced Filtering (Criteria Range)
  • Module - 5 Advanced PivotTables in Excel
    1. How to create PivotTables
    2. How to use the value field settings
    3. Different ways to summarize data
    4. Using multiple fields and dimension
    5. Basic to advanced sorting and filtering
    6. Selecting the right chart to present your data
    7. Adding slicers and timelines and applying them to multiple tables
    8. Combining data from multiple worksheets for a PivotTable
    9. Updating your data in a PivotTable and PivotChart
  • Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint)
      Module - 1 Explore PowerPoint
    1. Working with the user interface
    2. Creating and saving presentations
    3. Compatibility with earlier versions
    4. Opening, Moving around in, and closing presentations
    5. Viewing presentations in different ways
  • Module - 2 - Working with Slides
    1. Adding and Deleting slides
    2. Adding slides with ready-made content
    3. Slide Libraries
    4. Exporting presentations as outlines
    5. Dividing presentations into section
    6. Rearranging slides and sections
  • Module - 3 - Working with Slide content
    1. Entering text into placeholders
    2. Adding text boxes
    3. Changing the default font for text boxes
    4. Editing text  Clipboard
    5. Correcting and sizing text while typing
    6. Checking spelling and choosing the best words  Research information
    7. Find and Replacing text and fonts
  • Module - 4 - Format Slides
    1. Appling themes
    2. Using different theme colours and fonts
    3. Changing the slide background
    4. Changing the look of placeholders
    5. Changing the alignment, spacing, size and look of text
  • Module - 5 - Add Simple Visual Enhancements
    1. Insert Picture and ClipArt images
    2. Inserting Diagrams
    3. Graphic formats
    4. Converting existing bullets into a diagram
    5. Inserting charts
    6. Inserting shapes
    7. Connecting shapes
    8. Adding transitions
  • Module - 6 - Add Other Enhancements
    1. Adding WordArt Text
    2. Inserting Symbols and Equations
    3. Insert Screen Clipping
    4. Creating Hyperlinks
    5. Attaching the same hyperlink to every slide
    6. Attaching actions to text or objects
  • Module - 7 - Add Animation
    1. Using Ready Made Animation
    2. Customizing animation effects
  • Module - 8 - Add Sound and Movies
    1. Inserting and playing Sounds
    2. Inserting and playing Videos
    3. Inserting videos from web sites
  • Module - 9 - Review and Deliver Presentation
    1. Setting up a presentation for delivery
    2. Previewing and Printing Presentation
    3. Preparing speaker notes and Handouts
    4. Enhanced Handouts
    5. Finalizing Presentation
    6. Setting up presenter view  Delivering a presentation
  • DBMS (Microsoft Access)
      Module - 1 6. Explore the concept of Database
    1. Identify the Manual Database Systems
      • Explore the Objects of Manual Database
        Create a suitable Form to get information from a Relevant source
        Create a suitable Table to store the collected information
        Identify the fields and records in a Table
        Identify the key field ( Primary Key ) of a Table
        Explore the Relationships with the Tables
        Define a Database and its components
  • Module - 2 - Analyze DBMS software to identify its components
    1. Identify Database Management Software
    2. Explore IDE of DBMS Software ( MS Access )
    3. Identify the Objects of DBMS software
      • Tables
  • Module - 3 Create Tables using DBMS Software
    1. Create a Database
    2. Create Tables
    3. Identify the Data Types
    4. Change the properties of Fields of Tables
    5. Save the Tables
    6. Identify the types of views
      • Design View
        Data Sheet View
  • Module - 4 Make Relationships between Tables
        Identify the Primary Key Field
        Identify the Foreign Key Field
        Make Relationships Between the relative Tables
  • Module - 5 Create Forms & Quaries Using DBMS Software
        Use Forms to store data in a Table
        Create Queries to retrieve information according to the use of useful criteria
        6.7. Create Reports
    1. Introducation to Internet
    2. Exploring Web browsers
    3. Search Engines
    4. Using the Search Box
    5. To empty the Temporary Internet Files folder (cache)
    6. Clear the browsing history  To save a webpage onto your computer
    8. Internet Safety
      • Storing your passwords and login details
        Allowing and blocking pop-ups
        InPrivate mode
        Parental Controls
        Viruses and Trojans
    9. Introducation to Emails
    10. Email addressing
    11. Email attachments, Browsing, Search engines
    12. Text chatting, Job Searching
    13. Downloading video and Music
    14. Uploading Video or Music, Voice chatting, Webcam Chatting etc.
    15. Introduction to Zoom, Whatsapp